Dangerous Streets
The Law & Public Safety Committee met with John Brazina, Director of the Dept. of Transportation and Engineering, and DOTE's Mel McVay this morning to discuss street calming, and the crazy speeding and running of red lights behavior that is plaguing our communities. Ms. McVay suggested that residents give the names of dangerous streets and/or intersections to the community council president, and she will connect with them.
Parking Amnesty
Council approved parking amnesty about two weeks ago. This means that old tickets -- no matter how old or how many you may have -- may be paid at the original rate without any additional penalties, fees, or fines. Parking amnesty lasts through Dec. 31, 2021.
Harbor Fund
A few months ago, City Council put more funds in the Building & Inspection Department's Harbor Fund that provides funds for low to moderate income families to make necessary repairs when the owner receives a housing code violation notice. My understanding is that People Working Cooperatively is the lead agency used to make the repairs. Contact Constituent Affairs Director, Asst. City Manager John Juech (John.Juech@cincinnati-oh.gov).