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Plant Swap Fall 2022 is a "Growing" Success

It was a wonderful fall morning for the second annual Hartwell Neighborhood Plant Swap at Ferndale Park! Hartwell neighbors, and even some neighbors from Wyoming and Finneytown were together to talk gardening and swap plants. There was a great selection of indoor plants such as the pregnant onion, pencil cactus, wandering jew, pathos, spider fern, and aloe. There were so many outdoor plants for shady gardens, sunny gardens and sun combinations in between. Some plants up for swapping were bearded iris, siberian iris, day lilies, hosta, sedum, black eyed susan, purple daura, canna, lily of the valley, solomon seal, a variety of ground cover and even a selection of trees.

Thanks to everyone who participated! If you're worried that you don't have any plants to swap but want to get started and talk to your gardening neighbors, join us! There is always plenty of nature's abundance to share.

Since there was interest in a Spring Plant Swap, be on the lookout for another gathering in April, 2023.


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